Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tech Tip: Blogger Templates

I unknowingly completed this tech tip before reading the tech tips. I did not like the ordinary template that was automatically given to my blog and I wanted to change the background. I was originally going to use one of my own photos of my travels, but the size of my photo was too large. I am thinking about fixing it, but for now I chose the mountain background with light blue words. I chose this template because my favorite color is blue and I really like to travel, hike, and camp. I believe that this background best represents the type of person I am.

1 comment:

  1. Now you know why I like blogs so much: even without prompting, people start making them their own — with the content of their posts, of course, but also with the design, the sidebar widgets. For me, teaching this class, it is so cool how everybody's personalities can take shape here, more than was really possible in a classroom of 60 people (that's how many are usually enrolled in Myth-Folklore). There's room for everybody to 'be themselves' here in the blogosphere. And I think the mountains background looks beautiful... I'm looking at it right now as I type! :-)
