Friday, September 25, 2015

Week 6: Famous Last Words

This post is really made for last week! Last week I focused on the Japanese tales. This reading was extremely run and I really enjoyed all of the tales. There were plenty of tales that contained mythical beasts and brave heroes. The tales of Yamato were extremely interesting and I decided to challenge myself and write my storytelling based upon the psychiatric break of Mr. Yamato. I was extremely proud of the story that I created from this myth and I think people will really think differently about tales of great heroes when they read this tale.

Now we can talk about my other classes. Honestly, I feel like this post is my weekly rant about school and helps me unwind. My physics 1 and physics 2 labs were so dreadfully long this week. We watched ice melt and hit a hockey puck from 7:30pm to 9:00pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, and I was not very excited. I then had to work on my Spanish literature class, which seems like I am reading old English. My beer class is by far my favorite class this semester and it ends in two weeks! My biology capstone is my second favorite course. We have finally decided on a direction to take our semester project and will be working as a team to develop a “product.” Neurobiology is by far one of my most interesting classes and I have learned so much about a neuron it is not even funny. Finally, the moment I have been dreading has come this week. I had my first cell biology exam this Friday and it was intense. There were 4 questions with sub-parts and it was all free response. However, everything seemed to work out wonderfully and now I must work to conquer my Spanish literature exam the next week.

(Cell bio was life)


  1. Hi, Justin!

    I think it's awesome that you do a Famous Last Words post every week! It really is a great way to wind the week down and get ready to start next week. This is the first week since the beginning I've had time to do one, and it was really nice to reflect on how my week has gone.

    I really hope your first neurobiology exam went really well! I can’t even imagine what my stress level would be if I were taking that class.

  2. Hi Justin! I usually use my Famous Last Words posts to rant about my classes too, although mine is usually complaining about Human Anatomy! I really liked reading about your classes because they are the classes I will most likely be taking in the next year and a half! Your cell biology test sounds horrific and some day that will be me!
