Friday, September 4, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Week 5

For the extra reading this week I chose to read Indian Fairy Tales

The Lion and the Crane

  • There was a lion and a bone was lodged in his throat. This prevented him from eating and caused him a lot of pain. 
  • A crane was nearby and offered to help the lion. He stuck his head inside of the mouth of the lion and dislodged the bone. The crane then went back to his branch.
  • One day the crane ran into the lion and asked what he would give to the crane for saving his life and the lion said that his payment would be not eating him. 
  • The crane then realized that he could not have a friendship with this traitor and flew away.
  • A poor man was lying in his home staring at a pot that was full of rice he had earned by begging. 
  • He thought of what he could buy with the money he earned from the rice if there were a famine and all of the subsequent things he could buy as he continued selling the new items such as: goats, cows, buffaloes. 
  • He then imagined the wife he would have and their child running to close to a stable of horses. He then kicked at his wife and in reality he kicked the pot and it fell to the ground and broke. 
  • This story involved a crane that wanted to eat more fish and a pond that was experiencing severe water loss. 
  • The crane was pondering how he could catch the fish and the fish asked him what he was doing. He then said that he would take them to a bigger pond, because he felt bad for them.
  • They believed him and he ate all the fish.
  • He then tried to do the same with a crab, but the crab only agreed if he could wrap his claws around his neck. 
  • When the crab saw that he wanted to eat him the crab slit the cranes throat and lived happily in the pond. 

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