Saturday, September 12, 2015

Week 5: Famous Last Words

This week I read the Japanese tales and I won't lie. It was a hard week to read all of the tales, but when I got to the tale of Yamato it captured my attention. While reading this tale it really got me thinking about the type of tale I would write. This tale inspired me to do my best writing of the week. For this week I focused on this tale and wrote it as if the story was all the hallucination of a patient. I believe that this was a good way to throw in a major plot twist to an ancient tale. I hope to be able to use creative writing techniques like this again in the future depending on the story that I decide to use.
As far as the rest of my classes are concerned it is starting to get intense. My physics labs are a ton of busy work and I was so excited to measure how long it took to melt ice this week. We then had to record observations fifty times and put it in a graph on excel. Neurobiology is really intriguing, but there are some graphs and they are crazy weird. We have our first quiz next week! Cell biology is weird because my teacher seems to jump around through his notes, but it should be fine. Our first exam is next Friday, so wish me luck! Spanish literature surprised me this week with a pop quiz and let me tell you that I was definitely not ready for that! My beer class is absolutely fantastic. We get to learn about all different types of beers and how all of these beers are made. I have an extremely busy week coming up with my exam and tons of meetings! I am just ready to get this week over with.
(Lets Get Started!)

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